Jumat, 06 Januari 2017


Job Interview Questions

1.      A: Tell us about yourself!
B: My name is Siti Aisyah Nurzanah. I am the third of four siblings. To fill my free time, i help a family business. Since the third grade of junior high school i given the responsibility fot keeping the store after school.  I communicate with many people, offers,  and learn may interesting things.

A: Tell us about yourself!
B: My name is Nurul Rahmayanti. I am 21 years old and the second of three siblings.  I graduated from one of Univerties in Depok. I took Accounting as my major. I love art, because I was born to parents who have a business in the field of art.

2.      A: Why should we hire you?
B: I am responsible, i have enough abilities and attractive.

3.      A: what is the reason behind leaving your last job?
B: i am looking for a better job, higher salary and jobs that can make me improve my self.

4.      A: why have you been unemployed  for such along time?
B: i have yet to find a job that suits my ability.

5.      A: tell me your ability to work under pressure?
B: I'll followed the permission from head officer,  until the limit of my ability execute.

6.      A: Tell me your job experience?
B: I don't have job experience because I'm freshgraduate

7.      A: what are your expectations from job?
B: I hope this job according to my ability.

8.      A: describe your management style? 
B: I try to always coordinate with superiors and subordinates, as well as doing things in accordance with a predetermined time

9.      A: Are you a team player?
B: Yes,  i am. When i was in college, i always work together in teams and can work well

10.  A: what irritates you about co-worker? 
B: Lack of communication with coworkers and colleagues who delay the job.

11.  A: How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
B: As long as possible,  until this company doesn't need me.

12.  A: How do you see yourself 5 years from now?
B: I will be more successful than now, and I will improve my ability in order to get a better position if I survive more than that in this company

13.  A: Do you consider yourself successful?
B: For now I'm still survive for it,  but the next few years I'll achieve it

14.  A: What is your weakness?
B: Often panic with new things I encountered or a new job I got. And I am a forgetful person.

15.  A: What is your strength? 
B: Confident and I can master new things I encountered although it takes a bit of a long time and I am the type of person who does not easily give up the job that I have not completed.

16.  A: What position do you prefer on team working on a project?
B: Team leader,  because I'm confident in my ability,  I'm sure if I'm working on a project and work together in a great team,  i can give a maximum results.

17.  A: How much salary do you expect? 
B: For the first year of work, i want my salary equal to the average of minimum wage. And also it will increase with the current year and of course if according to my ability

18.  A: Are you ready to be replaced any time to other city or abroad? 
B: For now, I am ready to be placed anywhere. But, if I’m already married. I’ll reconsider.

Partner : Nurul Rahmayanti (28214285)


Mind Mapping Job Interview
1.    I’d apply for a job if I thought I covered about 60% of the requirements
®   Yes. Because, I think that is a big chance for me
2.    I’d accept the salary offerd at a job interview
®   Yes. But in one years if my work satisfully, may salary can be increased
3.    I’d always try to negotiate my salary at a job interview
®   No. Because, I am first graduate.
4.    I’d lie at a job interview for example about my skill or job experience
®  No. I we manipulate the skill and experience that we have, and the company asked us to show it, it would be very embarrassing
5.    If I’m going to succeed and promoted, someone else will have to lose
®  Yes. Because, it is all a competition. And a change to success does not come twice
6.    At a job interview, I’d ask “what can your company do for my career?”

®  No. Because, if we apply a job to big company, the company will provide many benefits to our career.

Partner : Nurul Rahmayanti

Sabtu, 12 November 2016


Berikut adalah contoh dari kalimat simple present tense dan past tense:
     1.       Contoh Kalimat simple present tense
a.       (+) Ana goes to school every weekday
(-) Ana doesn’t do to school every weekday
(?) Does ana do to school every weekday?
b.      (+) Toni takes my food
(-) Toni doesn’t take my food
(?) Does Toni take my food?
c.       (+) I bring a coffee to the office every morning
(-) I don’t bring a coffee to the office every morning
(?) Do I bring a coffee to the office every morning?
d.      (+) I am a student
(-) Iam not a student
(?) Am I a student?

     2.       Contoh kalimat Past tense
a.       (+) Tania was a policewomen
(-) Tania wasn’t a policewomen
(?) was Tania a policewomen?
b.      (+) Martin and I went to London last month
(-) Martin and I didn’t go to London last month
(?) Did martin and I go to London last month?
c.       (+) I drank too much last night
(-) I didn’t drink too much last night
(?) Did I drink too much last night?
d.      (+) My grandmother made a chocolate pudding last evening
(-) My grandmother didn’t make a chocolate pudding last evening
(?) Did my grandmother make a chocolate pudding last evening?

Jumat, 11 November 2016


How To Make A Business Letter
for example:


Designation,  General Manager Affair
PT. Gunadarma
Jl. Margonda Raya, Depok

Dear mr/mrs,
Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PODOMORO LAND COMPANY  is engaged in the property. Our company plan to build residences with Go Green concept.
            According to the information we collect, PT GUNADARMA  is a construction company that is growing rapidly and we would like to invite your company in this project. If you are interested to cooperate with us, bring your presentation and we invite you to come to our company:
Date     : Thursday, 13rd sept 2016
Time    : 10.00 WIB
Place    : headquarters PODOMORO LAND COMPANY Depok
Event   : to discuss and take agreements
            Thank you for your attention, we hope your company are interested to work together with us.



Rabu, 09 November 2016



   a.       Kalimat Induktif
Kalimat utama Paragraf induktf terletak pada bagian akhir Paragraf. Paragraf ini diawali dengan kalimat-kalimat penjelas yang berupa fakta, contoh-contoh, rincian khusus maupun  bukti-bukti yang kemudia disimpulkan atau digeneralisasikan ke dalam satu kalimat pada akhir Paragraf. Paragraf Induktif dikembangkan dari pola khusus ke umum.
Kemacetan dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor antara lain. Pertama, jumlah kendaraan yang ada di Jakarta tidak seimbang dengan luasnya jalan. Kedua, Kurangnya rasa patuh terhadap peraturan yang berlaku. Ketiga, Kemunculan tempat-tempat yang menganggu lalu lintas seperti pasar, rel kereta api, pedagang kaki lima, halte yang tidak difungsikan, banjir, dan tempat tempat keramaian lain. Yang terakhir, Ketidak tegasnya aparat yang berwenang dalam menindak para pelanggar lalu lintas. Kemacetan memang sudah menjadi hal yang biasa di Kota Jakarta.

   b.      Kalimat Deduktif
Paragraf deduktif adalah suatu Paragraf yang kalimat utamanya terletak di awal Paragraf. Paragraf ini diawali dengan pernyataan yang bersifat umum dan kemudian dilengkapi dengan penjelasan-penjelasan khusus yang berupa contoh-contoh, rincian khusus, bukti-bukti dan lain-lain. Karena Paragraf deduktif dikembangkan dari suatu pernyataan umum, maka pola kalimatnya adalah dari umum ke khusus.
Saat ini kita sudah memasuki musim penghujan. Banyak sampah yang menumpuk akibat kita sering membuang sampah sembarangan. Mebuang sampah sembarangan dapat meyebabkan aliran pembugan air menjadi tersumbat. Terlebih lagi, mendangkalnya permukaan saat ini. Oleh karena itu, tidak mengherankan banjir selalu datang setiap hari.


Kalimat efektif memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
    a.       Kesepadanan
-Mengandung unsur gramatikal S.P.O.K
Contoh:  Jodi yang pergi membawa mobil ke kantor (tidak efektif)
               Jodi pergi membawa mobil ke kantor (efektif)
-Tidak menjamakkan subjek
Contoh:  Maria sakit demam sehingga maria dirawat dirumah sakit (tidak efektif)
               Maria sakit demam sehingga ia dirawat dirumah sakit (efektif)
    b.      Kesejajaran
-Kesamaan bentuk kata/imbuhan pada kalimat
Contoh:  Ibu meminum gelas berisi susu dan ditaruhnya diatas meja (tidak efektif)
               Ibu meminum gelas berisi susu dan menaruhnya diatas meja (efektif)
    c.       Ketegasan
-Memberikan penekanan dalam suatu kalimat
Contoh:  Kamu jangan membuang sampah sembarangan! (tidak efektif)
               Janganlah membuang sampahmu sembarangan! (efektif)
-Membuat urutan yang bertahap
Contoh:  Kesehatan harus menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat menengah atas dan        bawah (tidak efektif)
 Kesehatan harus menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat bawah, menengah dan  atas (efektif)
-Melakukan pengulangan kata
Contoh:  Anak itu baik, anak itu juga rajin belajar
-Menggunakan partikel –lah, -pun, dan –kah
Contoh: Apakah andi siap menjalani ujian kelulusannya
              Walaupun jamu pahit tapi menyehatkan
               Patuhuilah perkataan orang tuamu
    d.      Kehematan
-Tidak menggunakan kata/frasa yang tidak diperlukan
Contoh:  Bunga-bunga mawar,anggrek dan lily sangat disukai arsy (tidak efektif)
               Mawar, anggrek dan lily sangat disukai arsy (efektif)

    e.      Kecermatan
-Tidak memberikan makna ganda
Contoh:  Rosi memakan kue kemarin dan dia sakit perut (tidak efektif)
               Rosi memakan kue yang kemarin dan dia sakit perut(efektif)
    f.        Kepaduan
- Langsung pada inti kalimat
Contoh:  Kita harus dapat mengembalikan kepada kepribadian kita orang-orang kota yang   telah terlanjur meninggalkan rasa kemanusiaan itu. (tidak efektif)
               Kita harus mengembalikan kepribadian orang-orang kota yang sudah  meninggalkan rasa kemanusiaan. (efektif)
    g.       Kelogisan
-Unsur-unsur dalam kalimat harus berdasarkan logika dan nyata
Contoh:  Untuk mempersingkat waktu, marilah kita mulai belajarnya (tidak efektif)
               Untuk menghemat waktu , marilah kita mulai belajarnya (efektif)

